The God Who Sees

The God Who Sees

Hello from summer! I am finally settling down for at least a few weeks to try and work on some songwriting! It has been good, but there is always so much else to do, you know?

This song is from the spring, but I haven’t had a chance to post until now! Each year, the youth group that I volunteer for has spring retreat. We take the kids to a YMCA camp with sketchy cell service to play games, eat food, worship in song, and hear from God’s Word.

This year, when I was communicating with the speaker about her sessions, she was able to pass on to me her big theme and Scriptures well in advance. She was going to start with the story of Hagar in the wilderness, emphasizing the truth that God sees us. He sees you. He sees each broken story, and meets us in it. Then, over the next sessions, she would hop to stories in the New Testament: stories of blind Bartimaeus and Saul on the road to Damascus. She would then explain that not only does God see us in our blindness, but He seeks to heal us from it.

Who could resist such a great Biblical theme? I knew I wanted to write a song about it. But, by the time I got around to planning the worship sets, it was a little over a week away, and three of the days in the coming week were going to be spent out west with my family, skiing the Colorado slopes. How was I going to write a song?

Well, let me tell you. It was a gift from God. Rarely do I ever write a song quickly. Typically when I write even a portion of a song quickly, I know the Lord’s hand is all over it. This song was written in two days, without an instrument in hand (that’s never happened), primarily while skiing down blue and black runs in Breckinridge. A few lines were penned when I woke up and laid in my twin Condo bed. It is also potentially the only worship song I’ve ever written. Not that my songs couldn’t be sung in church, but they aren’t congregational numbers. I’m far too wordy :). But, this one I sung with the kids, and they caught right on!

It’s a catchy tune you can’t catch from the words, but hopefully someday you will hear it!

The God Who Sees

In the desert, running from home/Blind beggar on the side of the road/When the world leaves me broken and all alone/You draw in close

You are the God Who Sees where I am from where You are and comes to meet with me/Yes, You are the God Who Sees into the blinded eyes longing to believe that You are the God Who Sees

In my defiance, I lost sight of the truth/My ways of violence had led me farther from You/But no darkness is too great that Your light can’t break through and see me made new

Oh God unto whom all hearts are open and no secrets are hid/You are the God who reveals them and forgives my sin/As Your glorious redemptive plan shows me who I am

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