Hearts and Mountains
The most 80s song coming to the new record A Fork in the Road:
Hearts and Mountains
Feel so helpless on my own/This worthless heap of flesh and bone/Try to raise up broken souls for You/But, I find I’m broken too
Oh, I’ve given all I have/Could it be that I’ve got nothing left/This heart, a rock, a stone, immovable/But, God, with you nothing’s impossible
I just want to move hearts, not mountains, Lord/But I can’t do either/ All this motion needs faith that I don’t have/ Make me a believer in what I can’t see/’Cause I want to believe, yeah
Want to see a people on their knees/I’m finding out that “people” starts with me/ My heart’s afraid to break, but it’s then You make the change/It’s then my doubts begin to fade away
I just want to move hearts, not mountains, Lord/But I can’t do either/ All this motion needs faith that I don’t have/ Make me a believer in what I can’t see/’Cause I want to believe, yeah
I’m becoming more certain of what I don’t yet see/ I’m becoming more sure of what I hope and dream
I just want to move hearts, not mountains, Lord/But I can’t do either/ All this motion needs faith that I don’t have/ Make me a believer in what I can’t see/’Cause I want to believe, yeah
So, this song I wrote a few years into my teaching and it has become the favorite of many of my Christian coworkers. It gets at the heart (ha! pun intended) of what we feel a lot of time. We want to make a difference that matters! But, how often does trying harder on our own strength fail? And, I find that most often my struggle is having a lack of faith. I truly want to believe that God can draw students’ hearts to Himself, but when I don’t see it, I lose faith.
So, this is a song about wanted to see God move, and acknowledging, like the father in Mark 9, “I do believe! Help my unbelief!” So, this is a call that not only do I want things to change for others, but I want to be different too!
This was the first song recorded for A Fork in the Road album, and it really set the stage for the whole album to be a fun, poppy album! My friend Lorna had to wait two albums to be on this one because it wasn’t Old Testament, but I’m glad it is produced and on this album, and for her (and others) excitement about it!
One Reply to “Hearts and Mountains”
Great post!